Everyone is heading online to do their marketing. Not everyone is doing well so what is the secret to succeeding in online marketing. Well its all about working smart and knowing the hacks.
1. Create a Google My Business Page
This is a great way to boost your online visibility. This listing will make your business easy to find on Google Search and Google Maps. It will also allow Google+ users to easily review your business. As local business reviews increase, your search engine rankings will also improve. It would also be a good idea to add your business to the Yahoo Local listing.
2. Sign up for Online Reviews
Create a Yelp listing, it’s free and gives you access to their impressive 140 million monthly visitors. Another great review sites is Angie’s List, they charge users a small fee but listing your business is free.
3. Fire Up Social Media Networking
Find relevant LinkedIn and Facebook groups which have active users. Posting on such pages will give you access to all these users. You don’t need to join a ton of these, remain focused on three or four at the most. Offer solid advice and feedback. You will build a reputation of trust and boost brand visibility among like-minded people.
Sourced from: http://www.inc.com/john-rampton/9-low-cost-online-marketing-hacks.html
The other trick that most online marketers employ is growth hacking. You can acquire traffic or employ the use of tweets.
Growth hacking is one of the most talked-about terms in the startup and marketing worlds. Some see it as a revolutionary way of shaping and accelerating startup growth, while others consider it a fancy word for marketing. I used to fall into the latter camp, but Neil Patel’s guide to growth hacking helped me see how a growth hacker’s job differs from a traditional marketer’s job.
Traffic Acquisition
1. Colibri.io
Colibri shows you where your customers are engaging online so that you can insert yourself into relevant conversations.
2. Pay With A Tweet
Pay With A Tweet allows you to give people access to your content or product once they’ve tweeted or posted about it. This is a great way to go viral in the early stages of a product launch, or to make sure your content or product spreads further across the web over time.
Sourced from: https://blog.kissmetrics.com/35-growth-hacking-tools/
You should try and play mystery shopper and in this case buy your own products. This will help you gain perspective and new insights. You will able to notice what is working and what is not working.
Be Your Customer
Use tactics such as mystery shopping your brand, getting out to talk to customers and using customer advisory boards to derive new innovations from discoverable insights and customer intimacy.
2. Get Tag Management
What if you could test a new tactic (Facebook Retargeting, etc.) within days of market availability instead of weeks? Many marketers struggle with IT delays to implement tags for analytical insights. Speed up implementation of tags with a simple, scalable, self-service marketing solution – your IT team will thank you for it.
Sourced from: http://www.forbes.com/sites/gartnergroup/2015/05/27/ten-digital-marketing-hacks/#3dedbf4f78ff